Wishlist Greeting Registration adds an attractive impossible to miss registration form members will see right when they land on your site and maximize the registration rates to your free membership.
The registration form appears widely on the screen right after the visitor enters the site and he will need to scroll down to view the content.
The greeting registration form’s look and feel can be easily customized according to your needs in the Design tab to allow you to attract a lot more new members.
Wishlist Greeting Registration Features
- Display an overlay greeting screen with a registration form on your homepage
- The registration form has real-time email validation
- Ability to add First Name and / or Last Name fields to the registration form or have a one-field only registration form with email field
- Ability to fully customize the registration form to your needs, including: colors, texts, add a logo / picture,
- Ability to tweak the CSS using special CSS classes
- Smart display options – decide who will see the greeting registration screen and how many times (using cookie settings )
- Ability not to display to members that are already registered
- Ability not to display the greeting registration screen to logged-in users
- Special transaction ID assigned to each registration to enable you to track the amount of new members you get using Wishlist Greeting Registration plugin
- Ability to require email confirmation
- Ability to require admin confirmation
- And more
See Wishlist Greeting Registration plugin screenshots in the Screenshots tab
Get Our Wishlist Registration Powerpack at 15% Discount!
The Wishlist Registration Powerpack includes our top 3 registration plugins that will make your registration rates SKY ROCKET!
Click on each plugin to get all the information about it including a short demo video:
- Wishlist Greeting Registration (Worth $67)
- Wishlist 1-Click Registration (Worth $47)
- Wishlist Registration Widget (Premium Version) (Worth $57)
Wishlist Greeting Registration plugin has 4 main tabs:
- Dashboard – The plugin allows you to display members their login information in the Thank You page using simple shortcodes; you will find these shortcodes in the Dashboard tab.
- Design – To allow you to easily change the look and feel of the greeting registration form
- Registration – To define the registration settings
- Display – To define the cookie settings and determine when the registration form will be displayed
Here are the screenshots of each tab:
The Dashboard Tab
All you need to do is copy and paste the shortcodes you want to the Thank You page and the information will be automatically displayed by the plugin to each member.
The Design Tab
In these tab it’s all about the designing, customizing and personalizing the look and feel of the greeting registration form to your needs.
You can also tweak the CSS using special CSS classes and adjust it even more.
The Registration Form Elements:
The greeting registration form below is a simple example to show you where all the design settings are located within the front-end of the registration form.
The gradient, text and button colors can be switched to any other color of your choice from the Design tab.
Please keep in mind the below screenshot is only an example to display the different elements in the registration form, however, you can customize the form according to your needs, personalize it, add a logo, change the text colors and more.
These are all the elements of the greeting registration form:
The Registration Tab
In this tab you can define all the settings that are related to the registration process:
- Select the membership level
- Display the first / last name
- Adjust the registration button text
- Define the username structure
- Set the After Registration page
- Set the error page
- Whether or not the members will be automatically logged-in after the registration
- Require email confirmation or not
- Require admin confirmation or not
- Sent admin email
- Transaction ID tracking
The Transaction ID
The transaction ID will appear in the Users > Edit User screen under Transaction ID (screenshot in the next page).
That way you will now which users registered to your site through Wishlist Greeting Registration.

The Display Tab
In the Display tab you will define when and how many times the greeting registration form will be displayed to your visitors / members, including:
- Display the greeting registration form to logged-in users or not
- Display the greeting registration form to members of the level specified in the plugin or not
- Display the greeting registration form to registered members in general (not specifically to the membership level specified in the plugin) or not
- Cookie length
Here is a screenshot of the settings you need to define:

Cookie Status:
In addition to these settings, you will also see a notification on the right side of the screen that notifies you what is the current cookie status: Off/ On
In any case, you will be able to view a preview of the greeting registration form by clicking on the “preview” link inside the notification.
Here is a screenshot with both statuses:
Can the plugin work with other Wishlist Member dedicated registration plugins?
Wishlist Greeting Registration is compatible with all the registration plugins developed by HappyPlugins, including:
Wishlist Registration Widget, Wishlist Auto Registration, Wishlist 1-Click Registration and the upgrade features in Wishlist Smart Shortcodes Protection Add-On
Can I use Wishlist Greeting Registration for paid membership?
No, Wishlist Greeting Registration is for free membership level registrations only. You can use Wishlist Greeting Registration to register members to a free membership, deliver them high quality content and convert them into paying members in the future.
Also, for paid membership levels you can use Wishlist Auto Registration to automate the registration process to your membership site completely.
How can Wishlist Greeting Registration help increase my revenues?
Wishlist Greeting Registration’s registration form is very powerful and extremely converting. It can help you grow your email list and build strong online community faster.
Since the greeting registration form is the first thing your visitors will see when they land on your website, by split testing several different designs and calls to action, your registration rates will sky rocket.
You can customize the plugin to your needs, add a logo and if the website is more personal, you can even personalize it more by adding a picture of yourself besides the registration form.
How can free members help my revenues?
Free membership is an excellent way to increase revenues from the back-end. When visitors register to your free membership you have a great opportunity to engage them, build their trust and turn them into buying customers.
Since the username is automatically generated to each user, how is it structured?
The auto-generated username can be one of 3 options:
- The email the user registers with
- The prefix of the email – for example: If the email is then the user name is josh80
- The first name + last name combination – only available when First and Last name fields are available in the registration form
Can a user update their first and last name later on (if using the First and Last Name fields)?
Yes, if you choose the form to include first name and last name then they are automatically added to the user profile and these details can be edited later on.
If these fields do not exist in the form, then the user can enter his profile within WordPress and fill-in these details manually.
Does the plugin have any conflicts with other plugins?
As far as we know, the plugin does not conflict with any other plugin.
Wishlist Greeting Registration keeps a very strict code method so the chances that it’s causing any problem are very low.
If you have any problems or conflicts, please go over the Troubleshooting section before contacting the support department.
Does the plugin integrate with every membership site platform?
No, Wishlist Greeting Registration is a Wishlist Member dedicated plugin.
- WordPress 5.0 and above
- Wishlist Member 2.8 and above (including version 3.0)